<aside> 👋 Enhance your customer experience while earning eVisa ancillary revenue with sherpa°
Manage Booking or Customer Profile
Place sherpa° solutions in your post-booking flow to guide travellers from their day of departure, through their return home. Expand your customer service and generate meaningful ancillary revenue by personalizing visa and travel requirements to a traveller’s unique itinerary.
By placing sherpa° solutions in your post-booking flow, you’re creating peace of mind and a memorable travel experience for your customer.
Utilize ****a “manage booking” page or customer profile to create a repeatable and personalized space for your travellers to view and manage eVisa and travel requirements. To promote engagement, you can pre-fill sherpa° solutions to display the results for your traveller’s itinerary by following our “configuration model” or “deep linking” documentation.
Example: Add the sherpa° solution to ‘Manage My booking’ by pre-populating the customers’ travel itineraries and displaying eVisa requirements.
Leverage your existing push and email communication in the lead-up to the day of travel to bring awareness and drive traffic to your sherpa° integrations.
Example: Create a “Check visa or travel requirements” section in a marketing or booking confirmation email and add a call-to-action button directed to your co-branded webApp.
Example: Create a “Visa requirements for your trip” section in your booking confirmation email and direct your customer to manage their booking to check information on your embedded sherpa° widget
Place sherpa° solutions in the pre-booking flow and inform travellers of trip requirements during the travel discovery phase. Be a trusted source for your travellers in a world of ever-evolving travel requirements and new eVisa regulations.
By placing sherpa° solutions in your pre-booking flow, you’re creating a dynamic and accessible resource for your travellers to understand eVisa and travel requirements.
Create a travel requirements and information hub on your site**. Add your sherpa° solution** to the dedicated requirements hub with a brief description of how the solution works and the information sherpa° provides. Direct customers to the dedicated landing page by placing a CTA on your homepage.
Example: Create a Travel-ready or Travel Requirements information hub and add a link to your co-branded webApp or embed the sherpa° widgets on a landing page
Example A: Direct your customers to sherpa° with a call-to-action at the top of your homepage
Utilize your destination-specific pages for your most frequently travelled or targeted destinations. Add a pre-populated sherpa° solution on the dedicated destination page.
Example: Use an existing destination page or create an “Explore India” page.
Example: Embed the sherpa° widgets with the trip USA > VNM pre-populated while leaving flexibility for the customer to choose their dates, nationality, and vaccination status.
Including sherpa° in both pre and post-booking environments has shown impactful results in driving user engagement and ancillary revenue during the “discovery and prepare phase” of the traveller’s journey.
Our solutions are designed with agility and flexibility in mind. We have seen our partners create innovative and cutting-edge solutions using our products to fit their customers’ needs.
We are here to support you along the way!